Thursday, 14 May 2009

Lacock Abbey - amazing trip

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

Todays trip was really exciting and amazing for me and it will stay long time in my memory.

The village is really amazing, atmosphere of it remind me 'Bleak House' 2005 (BBC) which is a fifteen-part drama serial adaptation of Charles Dickens' novel 'Bleak House' (published 1852-53). I finished watching this serial few days ago, and I am still impressed by it, especially now after trip to Lacock Abbey. The village and buildings are almost the same like in film!!! It is really amazing feeling to be there!!! Like moving back in time... I love places like St Fagans in Cardiff, Lacock Abbey, Cosmeston Lake near Cardiff - I can feel atmosphere of past there - its magic!!!

Another important point of trip was museum - full of old images, old notes and old cameras - my favourite one which especially paid my attention was Coronet Midget (1935) which is smaller than box of matches!!! It is amazing!!! Film for this camera is smaller than half of pen's cap!!! It's very impressive! I can't belive that it's worked in the past and people used them! It's almost impossible!?
Most important and most exciting was visit in William Fox Talbot house... it's strange feeling to be there and take picture of the same window, which he take long long time ago (1835?)... first negative ever... it's a big shame that I had with me just digital camera!! I will definatelly go there once again this summer!!! This time I will use film camera!

Thanks for my tutors - they opened new doors in my life - once again!

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